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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


At internship I plan to be a walking display of positivity, a team member, and an asset to the company I am interning for. I want to show them that I can take on any task given to me even if I'm unsure of the answer, I can find it. I want to show them I can be on time everyday and be prepared to work hard. The question I would have is what are the the things my manager expects of me? I hope to work in an office that has well balanced attitude and energy. My hope would be that my team members would be excepting of me. I hope to learn more about the inside of a computer and be able to really get in depth of all the parts and what they are. As far as software, I would like to like to learn everything there is to know about Microsoft Office Suit. I don't have to much anxiety because I want them to see that I am not only ready but I can keep my act together. I plan to stand out by completing all my tasks given and taking on even more to keep as busy as possible. To go above and beyond what people at the work place expect of me. After internship it would be nice to be asked to work full time. If that happens I would love to take college classes at the same time to further my education. Even if I don't get hired I will still go to school and finish with a degree and hopefully have a good job. I appreciate Year Up and the opportunity it has given me. I plan to go into internship and show my manager that I am a great asset to the team!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thought's over winter break

Over break, I had a lot of time to think about things that I wanted to start over, begin anew before the new year hit. I reflected on the memories that I last had with my family in Colorado and wished they could be in San Francisco celebrating the holidays with me. I promised myself that I would give this year my best in anything I put my mind to, because only I can make good things happen for myself, so I can't let myself stand in the way. 2012 will be a great year and I wish a great year for everyone in the world!